COVID-19 Testing And Beyond: How To Protect Your Guests This Holiday Season
Posted on: 1 December 2021
The holidays are here. If you've got family gatherings planned, now's the time to prepare for safety. The pandemic might have eased up enough for you to host small family gatherings this year, but that doesn't mean that you can afford to let your guard down. In fact, with the new variants trying to find their way into the United States, now's the time to pay close attention to health and safety standards. If you're still going to move forward with family gatherings, there are some steps you'll need to take to ensure that everyone stays healthy, and avoid infection. Here are four steps you can take to protect your family from COVID-19.
Request COVID-19 Vaccinations
Now that you're planning your holiday gatherings, the first thing you need to do is request vaccinations. Your family members might not have time to secure both doses of the two-dose vaccines, but they do have enough time to schedule their first dose. They also have time to schedule the one-dose vaccine. Requesting that each family member receive their COVID-19 vaccination prior to arrival will help you ensure the health and safety of all of your guests.
Offer Rapid Response Testing
If you're going to host a get-together this holiday season, start the party with COVID-19 testing. One of the benefits of rapid response testing is that your guests can have their results in a matter of minutes. That will ensure that every guest is free of the virus, which means you can enjoy the holidays without worry. It's important to note that even your vaccinated guests should receive rapid response testing since there have been cases of breakthrough infections.
Provide Free Holiday Face Masks
Now that you're making preparations for your holiday gatherings, don't forget to invest in a few holiday face masks. Face masks provide an extra layer of protection against the COVID-19 virus. You can request that each of your guests wear face masks throughout the festivities. You can even make the face masks part of the holiday fun. For instance, you can have a contest for the prettiest face mask, the merriest face mask, and the silliest face mask. This will get everyone into the holiday spirit.
Insist on Hand-Washing Protocol
Finally, if you're planning a family get-together for the holidays this year, make sure you insist on proper hand-washing protocol. Be sure to provide plenty of antibacterial soap at each of your sinks, as well as a generous supply of paper towels. The paper towels will ensure that germs are tossed out with the trash. Also, place bottles of hand sanitizer throughout the house.