What Could Your Green Vaginal Discharge Mean?

Posted on: 24 August 2017

When your vaginal discharge begins to take on a green hue, it is completely normal to be a bit worried. The good news is, while there is probably something wrong, chances are good that the problem is a minor condition called trichiomoniasis. This protozoan infection's bark is worse than its bite, and it's not terribly difficult to treat and cure. Here's closer look.

What is trichiomoniasis?

Colloquially known as "Trich," this condition is caused by a one-celled organism that may take up residence in your vaginal canal. Women are usually introduced to the organism through sexual intercourse with a partner who is carrying trich. Since men usually don't have any symptoms of the condition, and even women can carry trich without developing symptoms, there's a pretty good chance your partner had no idea they were infected -- and unknowingly passed the condition on to you.

The symptoms of trich can take a few weeks to appear, so even if you have not had intercourse or other sexual contact with someone for quite some time, you probably picked up the infection from your previous sexual encounters.

What other symptoms does trich cause?

The green discharge is the first symptom a lot of women notice. It may end up being the only symptom you develop. However, you may also start experiencing some spotting, burning in your genital area, and pain during urination or sex if you do not have the trich treated promptly.

If you have a male sexual partner and he has complained of burning during urination or abnormal discharge from his urethra, there's a good chance these symptoms are also due to trich.

How is trich treated?

If you suspect you have trichiomoniasis, you must make an appointment with your gynecologist ASAP. They will take a swab of your vaginal discharge and look at it under a microscope to confirm the diagnosis. If you do indeed have trich, do not get too worried. This is not an STD you'll hold onto for life! All it takes is a dose of an antibiotic called metronidazole, and the infection should clear up. Anyone you have recently had sexual contact with should also take a dose of metronidazole just to be sure they are cleared, too. Your symptoms should disappear within a few days of taking this medication, or which you should only need one dose. 

If your vaginal discharge turns green, do not be overly concerned -- but do seek out professional treatment
