Some Things You Need To Know About Stress Fractures

Posted on: 3 November 2016

If you have a stress fracture in your foot you might be wondering what you should do to care for it. Although stress fractures are a small break in the bone, they can be very painful and you may not even be able to walk at certain times. Here are some things you need to know about stress fractures.

What Causes Stress Fractures?

There are many different reasons a person could get a stress fracture. One of the most common is the same repetitive movement on the foot. For instance, runners are very susceptible to getting stress fractures. As they put pressure on the foot in the same motion for a long period of time, especially those who are running long distances, it can put stress on the bone until it breaks.

Women who are experiencing hormone changes, such as pregnant or breastfeeding mothers, also are at risk for stress fractures. Their bones tend to be softer during this time, so as they pick up exercise again, they might get an injury.

Another reason is improper footwear. If you are wearing shoes that don't fit right or that are painful, it can cause a stress fracture. Things like overuse of high-heeled shoes, exercising in shoes without support, and ill-fitting shoes put you at risk for injury to the foot.

How Do I Know It Is A Stress Fracture?

The only way to know for sure if it is a stress fracture is to get an x-ray of the foot. This will tell you if the bone is fractured. However, there are signs that the injury is a stress fracture. The first is that the pain is a dull ache in the foot. It might be better in the morning, or after periods of rest, then after being on the foot throughout the day it starts to hurt worse. The longer you are on your foot, the worse it will hurt. You might also have some swelling, and bruising around the foot.

How Do You Treat A Stress Fracture?

Rest is the best way to treat a stress fracture. You need to stay off the foot and avoid doing movements that caused the fracture in the first place. For instance, if you got the fracture while running, stop running until it heals. You can cross train by doing swimming or biking, but avoid activities where you put pressure on the foot.

You might also need to wear a brace or a boot to help distribute the weight to the foot properly. This will prevent you from putting more pressure on the foot and risking a full on fracture. For more information, contact establishments such as LA Costa Urgent Care & Family.
