Little One Need Palate Surgery? Simple Ways To Give Them The Care They Need During Recovery

Posted on: 24 November 2015

If your little one was born with a cleft palate, you're probably concerned about the surgeries they will need to repair the damage. Medical problems can make you feel helpless. Your baby's medical needs will be taken care of by professional health care providers. However, there are still things that you can do to care for your little one. Once your baby comes out of surgery, they will experience some pain and discomfort. Here are some simple ways for you to comfort your baby during the recovery process.

Know the Signs

If your baby is too young to talk, you may wonder how you'll know when they need help. It's important for you to know that your baby will be able to use other forms of communication to let you know that they're in pain. Once you know the signs, you'll be able to give your baby the comfort they need. Here are some cues your baby may give you following surgery.

  • Rapid breathing
  • Refusal to make eye contact
  • Reduced movement
  • High pitched screams

Help Them Cope

While pain medication will alleviate most of the pain associated with their surgery, your little one will still be uncomfortable. This is particularly true during the first few days following surgery. Here are three tricks you can use to help comfort your baby.

Rely on Touch

While your baby is recovering from surgery, they're going to need to know that you're there for them. It's important that you provide them with plenty of touch. During the first few hours after surgery, you might not be able to pick your baby up, but there are still ways that you can provide the touch they need.

  • Hold hands while making eye contact – until your baby can be held again
  • Use skin-to-skin contact – once your baby is cleared to be held

Remember the Comfort Zone

Your baby is going to need a comfort zone during the recovery period. Provide reassurance by speaking or singing softly to your little one. Roll small blankets up and place them on each side of your baby. This will allow your little one to feel close contact during the time that you're not able to hold them.

If your baby is going to have surgery to repair their cleft palate, it's important for you to know that you're part of the team too. Doctors and nurses, like those at Shriner's Hospital Cincinnati, will be caring for your baby's medical needs. Use the tips described above to provide your baby with the emotional care they'll need during recovery.
