How To Overcome Dental Anxiety: What You Need To Know
Posted on: 26 November 2014
Many people around the country suffer from the same affliction. They have an absolute abject fear of going to the dentist. Even if it is a basic cleaning appointment, they simply cannot handle the prospect and therefore avoid treatment altogether. If you are among these people who suffer from a phobia of going to the dentist, you may be doing untold damage to your teeth and gums. Dental care is of vital importance to your overall health. Infections in your gums and teeth can infiltrate your entire body causing a great deal of damage. So, rather than allow your phobias to prevent you from seeking out proper care, use these methods to try to allay your dental care anxieties.
Therapy and Counseling
When you suffer from chronic phobias and anxieties, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to seek out the assistance of a counselor or therapist. A mental health expert will be able to help you determine the root cause of your anxieties and phobias.
They will also give you coping strategies to use when dealing with dental anxieties. Even further, should the situation warrant it, your counselor or therapist may prescribe you with anti-anxiety medications to assist you in overcoming your fears and anxieties.
Yoga and Yogic Breathing
Yoga is often thought of as merely an exercise program. However, it is so much more than that. This ancient practice is all about fostering the connection between the mind and body. When you perform yogic poses, they are paired with controlled and focused breathing.
This yogic breathing helps you to keep your mind calm and focused. If you use this breathing when you begin to feel stress or anxiety, it can keep you calm and able to handle the necessary tasks of the day including dental appointments.
Sedation Dentistry
Your dentist can also offer you options to keep you calm if you experience dental anxiety. Sedation dentistry ranges from oral medications you can take before going to the dentist to sedate you and make sure you remain calm throughout the dental procedures all the way up to general anesthesia.
Sedation dentistry is designed to accommodate whatever needs you may have to make sure you can get through your dental appointments comfortably and with minimal stress.
Most sedation dentists prefer that their patients remain conscious rather than under general anesthesia. This is because general anesthesia carries with it some inherent risks such as allergic reactions and even death in extreme cases.
As you can see, there are several options available to you to help you overcome your dental anxiety and phobia. All you need to do is give them a try. Then you can get to the dentist and ensure that your mouth is as healthy as possible.